Thursday, July 06, 2006

1) Backpack around Europe – my faves are Greece, Italy, Germany and Switzerland.
2) Backpack all around the United States …again.
3) Travel to all the places that I made me fall in love with my Mr Right..J
4) Own a restaurant – introducing my own recipes
5) Loose weight -currently not happy with some baby fats hangin' here and there..hehe
6) Have kids – bunch of them
7) Play the guitar
8) Own a cheese factory+ restaurant – the first ever in Malaysia - and it’s gonna be Halal too.
9) Create a children’s interactive book + DVD
10) Last but not least ….. I want to donate and do charity – let them work in my factory and offer them good benefit for them and their children (education and health benefits)

Monday, July 03, 2006

What’s your favourite city in the world?
If you’d ask me, I’d say LONDON. Within all my travels, I think London and England for that matter of fact, has left me with fond and beautiful memories. Despite what people say about brits being rude and blah blah blah, I had encountered good experiences with one of the friendlier brits and it makes me not to judge a group just because you bumped into with one of those lousy person.
I just love UK basically:

1) I had found my one and only love there..he is now called…hehe..(don’t wanna go that far)
2) I just travelling around the UK
3) The air reminds me that I can breathe (love the rain btw..heheh)…just love 4 season countries
4) The culture diversity – a culturally potpourri country
5) The food..scrumptious..Leeds Kebab is a must..and the Fish n chips at Conway..just melts you.. gorgeous!
6) The tomatoes!!!..Oh my God! They do not taste like tomatoes in Malaysia. They taste so uniquely sweet and fresh..I just could eat them everyday
7) The breathtaking scenery – spectacular
8) The shopping – though it is not as good as shopping in the states, but couldn’t resist spending some pound sterling there.
9) Just being there, makes me feel alive……..
10) Love the people, despite what other people say..
Hope to go there again ….someday..


BRAzil where is my bra???